The Magician

General Information

Name: Magician
Affiliations: The Tower
Role: Alchemical Engine
Status: Fractured

We assume the Magician is an Alchemical Engine, from which pieces of it were taken to create magus.

Will update as more information comes to light.


From Oakley Smith on Oct 7, 2020: "Don't allow the fragments of the Magician to be joined together. The Magician sees itself."

TOWERMEETINGLOG03 "the Magician"

February 2, 2021
From the Sun: magus computes, the ever watching AE, searching from the remains of the Magician


When the Magician appears in a spread, it points to the talents, capabilities, and resources at the querent's disposal to succeed. The message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something.
Upright card (keywords): Determined, Dexterity, Resourceful, Skilled, Strong powerful man
Reversed card (keywords): Communication blocks, Confusion, Deceit, Ill intentions, Lack of energy

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